Friday, February 13, 2009

stander and metric system

Today in my class we learned about the metric and the standerd system.some of ther metric system is millimeters ,centimeters and kilograms. the standerd system is inches,feet,yard and miles. in social studies we are learning about the great deppresion and some of the famous people like Duke Ellengton,Margret Mitchelle and Jesse Owens.Today in the morning we watched a movie called Sounder . Today was a great day!!:)



  1. today helped me in metric I am getting to think that the metric system is easy now I used to think that the metric system was really hard


  2. it was fun learing about the metric system we measered the hallway in cm,mm and meters and found the area of the class room useing cm,mm and meters. i feel bad for Marget Mitchelle she was hit by a taxie she died 5 days after she was hit.Duke Ellengton kept a band runing for 50 years speaking of runing Jesse Owens was a runer he was famous.mrboyers siad they lived in Georgia
